Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sitting here this morning looking at CNN, and I must say I am thoroughly sickened by all the Tiger Woods coverage of his infidelity!!! I really didn't appreciate Stephen A. Smith coming out and calling Tiger, "a hypocrite!" Really??!! Jasper Parnevik or however you spell his name?? Listen people, like it or not, men and women cheat!! Not all, but a lot!! If the average man can keep a couple women, what do you think a celebrity will do?! Wher was all this firestorm over Michael Jordan cheating on Juanita Stephen A. Smith, media, anybody else that has a bad word as opposed to prayer and constructive advice!! Are we all perfect and without sin?! What gives you the right to judge?! Tiger and his wife have some serious personal issues they need to work through, being torn apart by the public, and the media will not help them at all!!! Stephen A., I hope you stay perfect and have no skeletons in your closet, cuz the minute you slip, that "hypocrite" statement will apply to your very opinionated ass!!! Jasper, you need to get socked in the mouth on some man to man shit!! I think you want Tiger's wife for yourself!! How about you focus on winning a major and not worry about Mr. Woods!! I would say more, but I have hair to cut!! Stephen A. Smith, brotha, I ain't done with you!!!